Chemical periodicity and the periodic table. History, periodic trends in chemical and physical properties. Elements having atomic number over 100.
Hydrogen. History, preparation and production. Protonic acids and bases. Hydrogen bond. Hydrides of elements.
IA group of the periodic table. The elements – preparation and production. Solutions of alcali metals in liquid ammonia. Chemical reactivity and trends. Systems alcali metals – oxygen. Reaction of alcali metals with water.
IA group of the periodic table. The elements – preparation and production. Chemical reactivity, main compounds and trends.
Boron. Structure of crystalline boron, its preparation and production. Borides, boron halides, boron oxides and oxoacids. Boranes and related compounds.
Aluminium, gallium, indium and thallium. The elements – preparation and production. Chemical reactivity, main compounds and trends. Ternary and more complex oxide phases containing aluminium.
Carbon. Allotropic forms. Graphite intercalation compounds. Carbides. Carbon hydrides, halides and oxohalides. Oxides and carbonates. Carbon-nitrogen compounds.
Silicon. Isolation and Production. Chemical properties. Silicides. Silicon halides. Silica, Silicic acid, silicates. Organosilicon compounds, silicones.
Germanium, tin and lead. The elements – preparation and production. Chemical reactivity, main compounds and trends.
Nitrogen. Isolation and Production. Chemical properties. Nitrides and azides. Hydrides of nitrogen. Thermodynamics of oxidation and reduction processes. Nitrogen halides. Oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen.
Phosphorus. Isolation and Production. Chemical properties. Allotropic forms. Phosphides, phosphines. Phosphorus halides. Phosphorus oxides, sulfides and oxosulfides. Oxoacids of phosphorus. Phosphorus – nitrogen compounds. Organophosphorus compounds.
Arsenic, antimony and bismuth. The elements – preparation and production. Chemical reactivity, main compounds and trends.
Oxygen. Isolation and Production. Chemical properties. Water and water solutions. Water of crystallization. Hydrogen peroxide. Oxides of elements, various methods of classification.
Sulfur. Isolation and Production. Chemical properties. Allotropy. Homo- and heterocatenation. Sulfides of elements. Sulfanes. Halides of sulfur. Oxides and oxoacids of sulfur.
Selenium, tellurium and polonium. The elements – preparation and production. Chemical reactivity, main compounds and trends.
The halogens. The elements – preparation and production. Chemical reactivity, main compounds and trends. Hydrogen halides. Interhalogen compounds. Oxides and oxoacids of halogens. Halogen oxide fluorides and related compounds.
The noble gases. The elements – production and use. Compounds of xenon.
An advanced course of inorganic systematic chemistry, based mainly on N. N. Greenwood and A. Earnshaw textbook Chemistry of the Elements. Chemistry of sp elements is discussed rather in detail with the only exception of organoelement compounds.
The course is started with basic information about elements and periodic table. This is followed with chemistry of IA and IIA elements. Elements of IIIA group are mention with special focus on boranes and other cluster compounds.
In the part dealing with of carbon, silicon and other IVA elements, special chapters on fulerenes (and similar structures), siloxanes and silicates are included. The part dealing with chemistry of VA group elements includes special chapter about chemistry and properties of organophosphorus compounds. In case of VIA group elements, special focus is put on compounds containing the S–S bond. For compounds of halogens, interest is aimed on variability and conversion of oxidation states.