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Advanced practical course in biochemistry II

Class at Faculty of Science |


Sylabus of the practical course is not available since the individual projects are designed and announced always before the course starts.


The aim of the course is to make students ready for their diploma work and further career. This practical course (laboratories) are arranged for biochemistry students of the 4 th grade.

The credit from the Advanced practical course in Biochemistry, Pt. I is required for enrolling student to the course.

Students, under a supervision of tutors, work on two-week research projects. The projects are designed to train them in use of various advanced techniques of immunochemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology: e.g.

ELISA, Western blotting, immunoaffinity chromatography, treatment of animals, purification of enzymes and proteins using RP-HPLC, size-exclusion, ion-exchange, affinity and adsorption chromatography, characterization of enzymes by measuring their activities, spectral properties, protein sequencing, PCR technique, cell cultures, DNA sequencing, microseparation techniques. A special attention is paid to student's independence in an experiment design and its time table.

Students are trained also in their presentation skills on a student's scientific conference, where they have a lectures or present posters dealing with results of their projects. To all the projects detailed manuals are provided by tutors, whose also suggest appropriate literature (monographs or articles in scientific journals) concerning their project. Students are awarded with credits when they meet the following criteria: 1. at least 70% attendance within the working time, 2. submittion of a result sheet containing all the data obtained including their discussion, 3. presentation of a poster or a lecture at the student's conference.

No sylabus of the course is available since projects are designed and posted at least one month before the course starts.