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Glycoconjugates and Imunochemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


Introduction to glycoconjugates, historical background, saccharides and their structure, chemical reactions of glycans. N-glycans and O-glycans (biosynthesis, functions, structure).

Other glycoconjugates (glycosphingolipids, GPI, hyaluronan, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans). Glycoproteins in different organisms.

Lectins. Glycoconjugates and diseases.

Analytical methods for detection and characterization of glycoproteins. Immunochemistry, historical overview and basic terms.

Immunity system and its compartments. Immunity system in diseases.

Methods in imunology.


The series of lectures „Glycoconjugate and Immunochemistry“ include the actual knowledge in the field of glycoproteins, glycolipids, proteoglycans and other glycoconjugates and their biological and biochemical aspects, biosynthesis, and roles in different diseases. Methods for detection and characterization of glycoproteins and glycopeptides are discussed as well. The second part of the lectures is focused on basic immunochemistry including description of basic terms of immunology, function of immune system and its role in diseases. Basic methods used in immunology are also summarized.

Lectures are in Czech, slides in English.