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Biochemistry and biology of microorganisms

Class at Faculty of Science |


A. History

Question of origin and evolution of live

Significant discoveries of microbiology

B. Biology of microorganisms

Bacterial cell vs. other microorganisms

Bacterial cell morphology, growth and cell division, sporulation

Taxonomy, nomenclature, systematics

C. Biochemistry of microorganisms

Classification based on source of carbon and energy

Energy metabolism, photosynthesis

Alternative metabolism pathways

Transport, element cycle

D. Microbial genetics

DNA, RNA, replication, transcription, translation

Regulation, cell cycle

Plasmids, viruses, transposomes

Principles of molecular-biology applications

E. Medical microbiology

Disease, pathogens, symbionts

Sterilization, chemotherapy, and antibiotics

F. Applied microbiology

Industry and food production application

G. Basic principles of handling with microorganisms


The course entitled Biochemistry and Biology of Microorganisms is dealing with the important issue of investigation, interaction (effect) and application of microorganisms with a special attention to bacteria. Beside the detailed explanation of microorganism genetics and biochemistry, the lecture makes students familiar with microorganism handling, cultivation procedures and principles of their molecular-biology applications. In the context of a bacterial morphology and taxonomy, medical consequences of human-bacteria interactions (pathogen classification, mechanism of antibiotic action) and biotechnology applications (industry and food production) are covered. The knowledge gained in the basic Biochemistry course is recommended and expected.

Lectures - in Czech -