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Structure of biopolymers

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Peptides and globular proteins. Basic structural concepts, physico-chemical characteristics. Description of structure - internal coordinates, diedral angles, Ramachandran plot. Structural hierarchy, primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary structure in classical sense and as defined in IUB/IUPAC recommendations. Supersecondary structure, structural motifs, domains. Structural classification. Prediction and modelling of stucture. Structural comparisons. Protein folding and dynamics, denaturation. Thermostable proteins, integral membrane proteins.

2. Nucleic acids. Basic description, internal coordinates, approximate structural description. RNA, DNA structural types. Description of double helices, base pairing. Z-DNA and triple helix.

3. Polysaccharides. Basic description. Structural types - starch, cellulose, pectin, heparin.

4. Supportive and structural elements. General principles of their structure Fibrous proteins - fibrin, collagenes, keratins, fibroins.Proteoglycans. Lignin..

5. Conversion of chemical energy to movement. Muscle proteins. Cillia and flagella.


Principles of structure of biological macromolecules, methods of its description, comparison and prediction. Intra- and intermolecular interactions. Proteins and polypeptides, evolution, prediction, folding and stability, structural classification. Nucleic acids, nomenclature and structure, Polysacharides. Glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Lignin. Supramolecular structures, virions, prions. Supportive structures, transduction of chemical to mechanical energy.

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