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Clinical and analytical biochemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


1a. Introduction to clinical biochemistry, Physiological and pathological processes on cell (molecular) level 1b. Tumor markers in diagnostics and therapy

2. Blood - the most often analyzed laboratory material (plasma proteins)

3. Clinical biochemistry of body fluids balance (electrolytes, diabetes insipidus, hypertension)

4. Clinical biochemistry of acidobasis balance and the exchange of gasses

5. Laboratory tests of carbohydrates metabolism disorders (diabetes mellitus)

6. Laboratory tests of lipid metabolism disorders (lipoprotein metabolism, atherosclerosis)

7. Laboratory tests aminoacids metabolism disorders  8a. Laboratory tests of renal function (nitrogen metabolites) 8b. Laboratory tests of purine (resp. pyrimidine) metabolism disorders

9. Laboratory tests of liver diseases in hepatology (metabolism of porphyrin)

10. Laboratory tests in gastroenterology (biochemistry of digestion)  11a. Laboratory tests of muscles and myocardium diseases (myocardial infarct) 11b. Laboratory tests of bone disorders (osteoporosis)

12. Laboratory tests of hormonal disorders in endocrinology  13a. Methods used in clinical biochemistry laboratory 13b. Reliability and variability of the laboratory findings (statistics)


The lecture is appointed for students of "biochemistry" and "clinical and toxicological analysis" and "medicine chemistry". However, the course is opened also for students of other related fields. The aim of the lecture is to introduce the basic terminology and methodology in clinical biochemistry with orientation on diagnostics respectively monitoring of the efficiency of a medical therapy. The biochemical nature of the pathobiochemical conditions and the diseases will be emphasized during the lectures. Examples of clinical interpretation of biochemical parameters are presented in the programme of the lecture with intention to prepare future clinical biochemists for communication with doctors.

Lectures - in Czech -