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Proteomics and biopolymers primary structure determination

Class at Faculty of Science |

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1) Úvod do hmotnostní spektrometrie

2) Ionizační techniky

3) Hmotnostní analyzátory a detektory iontů

4) Interpretace spekter biopolymerů

5) Tandemová hmotnostní spektrometrie - identifikace a kvantifikace proteinů

6) Určení místa a typu post-translační modifikace proteinů

7) Kvantitativní proteomika


The goal of this course is the introduction into the methods of biological mass spectrometry. During the course, participants should get a rough idea about mass spectrometry and separation techniques that are commonly used for biopolymers primary structure determination. Principles of "soft" ionization techniques and mass analyzers will be introduced. Mechanisms of biopolymers fragmentation and data interpretation will be described as well. Also, different sample preparation approaches will be mentioned for particular biopolymer and the type of analysis.

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