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Life - Molecules and Biochemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Science and the World around us

2. From (classical) Physics to Chemistry - a World which we understand

3. The first breakthrough and an intuition failure - Relativity (field)

4. The second breakthrough and joining of opposites - Quantum Theory

5. Chemistry as "Applied Physics" - Quantum Theory of atoms and molecules

6. Life as a concept

7. Chemistry of life (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Chemical Biology, Biological Chemistry)

8. Classification of living beings

9. Evolution of life

10. Mutual relations of organisms


The course is a basic biochemistry entrance in the context of science with general relations to physics and chemistry, and to mutual connection to biology. Its concept is designed for students of the first year of biochemistry program.

The connection of this course is also to Practical course in biochemistry laboratory techniques (MC250C01). Another goal is to introduce to the student the scientific subjects of biochemistry solved by laboratories from the Department and cooperated institutions.