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Chemistry of biochemically relevant peptides and proteins

Class at Faculty of Science |


Chemistry of biochemically relevant peptides and proteins List of lectures:

1. Introduction to the structure and properties of amino acids, peptides and proteins Structure and properties of amino acids, peptides and proteins, functional groups, reactivity, pKa, pI, Ramachandran plot, hydrophobicity, aromaticity, chirality, cis-trans isomerism etc.

2. Chemistry and synthesis of amino acids and their derivatives Chemical and enzymatic preparations of amino acid derivatives.

3. Chemical synthesis of peptides and proteins - I Synthesis in general, solution synthesis, cyclic peptides, native ligation etc.

4. Chemical synthesis of peptides and proteins - II Solid-phase synthesis, basic principles.

5. Chemical synthesis of peptides and proteins - III Solid-phase synthesis, advanced methods, automatization etc.

6. Side-reactions of peptides and proteins. Chemical degradation, aspartimide formation, racemization, chemical cleavages, modifications by specific agents, oxidations, reductions etc.

7. Combinatorial synthesis of peptides. Synthetic peptide libraries and their use.

8. Semisynthesis of peptides and proteins. The use of natural molecules for the synthesis of their derivatives, enzymatic semisynthesis.

9. Peptidomimetics and proteomimetics. Synthesis and use of compounds mimicking structures and properties of peptides and proteins.

10. Chemical modifications of peptides and proteins. Specific labelling (fluorescent, radioactive etc.).

11. Peptide and protein conjugates. Bioconjugates, crosslinks of biomolecules, chemical synthesis of lipoproteins, glycoproteins etc.

12. Inteins. Properties and use of inteins, self-splicing proteins using natural variant of native chemical ligation.

13. Therapeutically used peptides and proteins. Overview of therapeutically important peptides, proteins and their derivatives.


During the fall 2021, the lectures will be given live in UOCHB Flemingovo nám. 2, 16610 in the seminary room that will be specified later by an email. Prior each lecture, students will receive by email the pdf of the next lecture.

In the series of lectures we will describe the chemical properties of amino acids, peptides and proteins, different techniques of their chemical synthesis and the chemical synthesis of their derivatives and mimetics, combinatorial synthesis and use of peptide libraries, specific modifications and labeling of peptides and proteins, synthesis and use of bioconjugates of peptides and proteins and the overview of therapeutically used peptides and proteins.