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Exercises of Physical Chemistry I

Class at Faculty of Science |



The first law (internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity). Thermochemistry (enthalpies of physical and chemical changes, Kirchhoff´s law). The second law (entropy, the Gibbs and Helmholtz energies, the statistical entropy). The third law (Nernst heat theorem, third-law entropies). Quantities for description of mixtures (partial molar quantities, chemical potential, fugacity, activity). The thermodynamics of mixing (state mixing functions). Phase equilibria (Gibbs phase rule, Clapeyron and Clausius-Clapeyron equation, Henry's law, Raoult's law, colligative properties, partition equilibrium). Chemical equilibrium (degree of conversion, extent of reaction, the reaction Gibbs energy, equilibrium constant, the van't Hoff equations, equilibrium composition).


Accompanies the course Physical Chemistry I (b) (MC260P01M).