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Advanced Practical Class in Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


HPLC; SEC; Viskosity; Tensiometry; Computer Simulations; Polymer Synthesis; MALDI TOF MS; Calorimetry; Fluorometry; Light Scattering.

Further information available on Google Classroom.


The aim of the classes is to indroduce the modern methods of physical and macromolecular chemistry to students. There are included the methods on the determination of molecular mass, the methods related to hydrodynamic, thermodynamic and association properties of synthetic polymers and surfactants (SEC, MALDI TOF MS, tensiometry, viskosimetry, calorimetry, fluorometry, and light scattering), and also separation methods of physical chemistry (HPLC).

The students will be introduced to simple polymer synthes and the characterization of the obtained product, and also to computer simulations of polymer coils.