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Computer as a Tool in Theoretical Chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


Computer as a tool in theoretical chemisty: mp

Normal mp 1 1 2003-02-07T14:16:00Z 2003-02-07T14:17:00Z 1 gfhghgg 1 1 9.3821 21

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Computer as a tool in theoretical chemisty:

            Introduction to the Linux operating system, files, processes, command line

            Introduction to C programming


Fundamental concepts of theoretical chemistry:


Schrödinger equation

            Born-Oppenheimer aproximation

            Potential energy surfaces; minima, saddle points, conical intersections

            Geometry optimization, calculation of harmonic vibrational frequencies


Empirical and semiempirical calculations, molecular mechanics:

            Pair potential, force fields, molecular mechanics

            QM/MM combination, onion method


Non-empirical calculations:

            HF method

            Post-HF methods, correlation energy

            DFT method


Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods:

            Overview of

MD methods

            Classical trajectories, Verlet algorithm

            Computation of thermodynamic properties from MD trajectories

            Monte Carlo calculations



This is an introductory course of computational quantum chemistry, taken from the practical point of view of a chemist, who would like to apply it. Theoretical methods are not treated in depth, but the emphasis is on a view of the subject from a broader perspective and practical performing of calculations on a computer.