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Photochemistry and electron spectroscopy

Class at Faculty of Science |


Electronically excited states of atoms and molecules. Electronic spectra.

Photophysical and photochemical processes. Jablonski diagram.

Singlet-triplet splitting. Potential energy surfaces.

Noncrossing rule, conical intersection. Energy and electron  transfer.

Organic and inorganic photochemistry (examples). Time resolved processes, femtochemistry.

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Atmospheric photochemistry.

Solar cells. Applications of photochemistry in biology and medicine.


The aim of this course is to give the students an understanding of the basic principles of photophysical and photochemical processes and their selected applications. It is assumed that students have knowledge on structure and reactivity of molecules within the scope of related chapters in a standard physico-chemical textbook, e.g., P.

W. Atkins: Physical Chemistry.

If at least one student from abroad (ERASMUS) is participating in the course, lectures are being delivered in English in a standard course mode.