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Electromigration separation processes

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Classification of electromigration separation methods.

Movement of charged particles in solution in electric field, mobility of ions, continuity equation, electroneutrality condition, Kohlrausch regulating function. Uni- and polyvalent weal electrolytes, calculation of pH of solutions of electrolytes by means of computer programs, effective mobility of constituents. 2.

Configurations of electrolytes in various modes: capillary isotachophoresis, zone electrophoresis, isoelectric focussing. Efficiency, resolution, selectivity of separation in zone electrophoresis.

Disturbing phenomena in zone electrophoresis: diffusion, thermal effects, sorption on the wall, laminar flow. Electroosmotic flow: its origin, consequences.

Electromigration dispersion, system peaks, eigenmobilities in electrophoresis. Computer simulation of behavior of separated analytes in electrolyte systems, computer optimization of electrolyte compositions.

Practical rules for design of electrolyte systems. 3. Configurations of electrophoresis with enhanced selectivity of separation: chiral electrophoresis, micellar electrokinetic chromatography, capillary electrochromatography, additions of interacting agents to background electrolytes.

Electrophoresis in sieving media - electrophoresis in gels and solutions of linear polymers, separation of proteins and DNA. Electrophoresis in genomics and proteomics.


Electromigration separation processes

The lecture is intended for students in master and doctoral study. It is directed for understanding basic principles of all modes of analytical electrophoresis. After passing this course it is recommended to continue with the lecture MC230P24 by Jelínek: Electromigration methods, which is directed to practical aspects of electromigration separation methods.