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Physical Chemistry III (Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy)

Class at Faculty of Science |


Electric and magnetic properties of molecules. Stationary and time-dependent perturbation theory.

Stimulated absorption and emission of radiation. Selection rules.

Line shape and width. Vibration and rotation of diatomic and polyatomic molecules.

The Raman scattering. Electronic states and spectra.Fine and hyperfine interactions in molecular spectra.

Nuclear magnetic resonance: magnetic Hamiltonian, spin-spin splitting, spin relaxation. ESR spectroscopy: spectrum of hydrogen atom, hyperfine interaction in ESR spectra of organic radicals and transition metal complexes.


Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy

The aim of the course is to outline the fundamental principles of the theory of molecular spectroscopy. The emphasis is placed upon the elucidation of the energy levels and selection rules and interpretation of spectra via quantum mechanics. It is assumed that the student is acquainted with the basic concepts of quantum mechanics and chemical structure.