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Physical Chemistry II (a)

Class at Faculty of Science |


Basic terms and definitions, thermodynamic forces, rate of reaction, rate law, classification of reactions from the chemical kinetics point of view, reaction mechanism, steady state approximation, solutions to reaction schemes, chain reactions (linear and branched), experi-mental methods of chemical kinetics (batch and flow reactors), chemical relaxation, theory of elementary reactions (collision theory, transition state theory, calculations of steric factors) reactions in solution, cage effect, diffusion-controlled reactions, reactions controlled by chemical change (influence of the pressure, Coulombic interactions, primary salt effect, sol-vent effects), structure-to-reactivity correlations (Hammett, Taft), principles of catalysis, aci-dobasic catalysis, Hammett's acidity function, enzyme catalysis, adsorption isotherms, hetero-geneous catalysis.

Charge transport in the solid and liquid phases (electronic conductors, electrolytes, conducting polymers, electrodes, galvanic cells, membranes), coulometry, conductometry, electrochemical equilibria, electrochemical potential, theory of activity coefficients of elec-trolytes, dissociation of electrolytes, association of ions, low-soluble electrolytes, protolytic reaktions, inter-phase equilibria, Nernst potential, Donnan potential, electrode potential, elec-trode bilayer, equilibria in galvanic and voltaic cells, electrochemical kinetics, polarization of electrodes, elektrolysers, polarization methods, charge transfer kinetics (reactions involving electrons and ions), transport processes (linear diffusion, spherical diffusion, convective dif-fusion, electroosmotic flow.

Classification and basic properties of dispersion systems - Brownian motion, sedimen-tation, dialysis, electrokinetic phenomena, light scattering, supramolecular membranes.


Second part of the basic course on Physical Chemistry, in which classification, terminology, theories and experimental methods of Chemical Kinetics, Catalysis, Colloid Chemistry and Electrochemistry are discussed.