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Physical Chemistry for International Students I

Class at Faculty of Science |


The properties of gases

The First Law of Thermodynamics

The Second Law of Thermodynamics

Physical transformations of pure substances

Simple mixtures

Phase diagrams

Chemical equilibrium

Quantum theory: introduction and principles

Quantum theory: techniques and applications

Atomic structure and atomic spectra

Molecular structure

Molecular symmetry


The course consists of lectures by academic staff members from the department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry (2*45 min per weeek, 2 semesters), combined with problem solving classes (1*45 min per week).

It covers the bachelor and master curriculum of Physical Chemistry in a more condensed manner. The target audience are international master students within the Erasmus programme and PhD students whose background is not Physical Chemistry (Physics, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, etc.). Czech students are also welcome to attend the course.

In the time of covid-19 restrictions, the lectures will be recorded and the recordings will be made available to students via google drive.