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Polymer synthesis

Class at Faculty of Science |


1.     Introduction to polymer synthesis, classification of polymerization reactions, structure-reactivity effects in monomers, reaction mechanisms

2.     Practical aspects of polymer synthesis and characterizations

3.     Controlled radical polymerizations I: NMP, ATRP

4.     Controlled radical polymerizations I: RAFT, photopolymerizations

5.     Anionic polymerizations

6.     Cationic polymerizations

7.     Coordination polymerizations, metathesis polymerizations

8.     Ring-opening polymerizations

9.     Polycondensations

10.  Postpolymerization modifications, bioconjugations, crosslinking

11.  Synthesis of advanced polymer architectures, surface grafting


In this course, we will discuss the principles of modern polymer synthesis via an organic chemistry approach. Within the course, we will focus on the in-depth description of polymerizations using reaction mechanisms.

Particular emphasis will be put on practical aspects of polymer synthesis in the laboratory – e.g., the impact of monomer structure and reaction conditions on polymerization and properties of synthesized polymers.