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Chemical transformations

Předmět na Přírodovědecká fakulta |

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Lecture 1: Introduction to Chemical Reactivity, Redox reactions

Overview of chemical reactivity principles, transition from chemical principles to chemical transformations, redox reactions (oxidations, reductions), electron transfer, reaction mechanisms, energy production, environmental impact

Lecture 2: Fundamentals of Organic Reaction Mechanisms

Basics of organic reaction mechanisms, types of reactions: substitution, addition, elimination, electron movement in reactions, curved arrows, induction effect, mesomeric effect, dipole moment, polarity, acids-base reactions

Lecture 3: Stereochemistry and Chirality in Organic Reactions

Understanding stereochemistry, E/Z isomerism, absolute configuration (Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system), chirality in biological systems, amino acids, influence on drug design and pharmacology (atropoisomers)

Lecture 4: Substitution and Elimination reactions

Preparation, reactions, organometallic compounds, nucleophilic substitution Sn1/Sn2, elimination E1/E2/E1cb, halogenoalkanes, alcohols, ethers, thiols, amines

Lecture 5: Electrophilic Aromatic Substitutions

Aromaticity, halogenation, nitration, sulfonation, Friedel-Crafts reactions, substitution effects, diazotization, Sandmeyer reactions, special case: Nucleophilic aromatic substitution

Lecture 6: Chemistry of Carbonyl Compounds

Reactivity of carbonyl group, reactions at α-position, carboxylic acids, functional derivatives of carboxylic acids, keto-enol tautomerism, aldolization, Claisen condensation, peptide bond,

Lecture 7: Catalysis

Theory of catalysis, types of catalysis: heterogeneous, homogeneous, enzymatic, catalytic mechanisms, industrial, environmental applications, nanocatalysts, biocatalysts research

Lecture 8: Industrially relevant chemical processes

Sources of chemicals, valorization of fossil resources, mineral resources and biomass, industrial chemistry principles, Haber-Bosch process, contact process, green chemistry, sustainability

Lecture 9: Biomedical Chemistry: Drug Design, Drug delivery, Bioconjugations

Chemical basis of drug action, principles of drug design and development, case studies of drug discovery

Lecture 10: Introduction to Material Chemistry

Basics of material chemistry, polymer chemistry, chemical principles in new material development, nanomaterials and their applications

Lecture 11: Supramolecular Chemistry and Chemical Biology

Principles of supramolecular chemistry, molecular recognition and self-assembly, applications in chemical biology and nanotechnology

Lecture 12: Biomaterials

Biomaterials: classification, properties, biocompatibility, bioactivity, tissue engineering, medical implants, drug delivery systems, ethical, regulatory aspects in biomaterials

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The course Chemical transformations provides an introduction to the general principles of chemical reactivity in the context of modern multidisciplinary science. After the general introduction, the students will get familiar with the basic concepts of inorganic, organic, organometallic, and polymer chemistry on the basis of general reactivity concepts rather than memorizing particular reactions. Finally, one lecture will be devoted to the chemical understanding of natural processes, providing an essential introduction to biochemistry and molecular biology.

Overall, the course will focus on overlaps within different areas of chemistry and between chemistry and other natural sciences, particularly physics and biological sciences.

The course is supplemented by a practical workshop.