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Numerical and algorithmical methods in quantum chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


Ab initio výpočet integrálů v bázi kartézských gaussovských funkcí mp

Normal mp 2 0 2003-02-07T14:10:00Z 2003-02-07T14:30:00Z 1 95 544 gfhghgg 4 1 668 9.3821 21

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Ab initio computation of integrals in the cartesian gaussian basis


            Segmented and general contraction of the GTO basis

            One-electron integrals

            Two-electron repulsion integrals

            Numerical integration in the density functional methods


Self consistent field method


            Processing of large integral files, ''integral driven loops'' technique

            PK method, use of symmetry, direct SCF, ''linear scaling'' methods

            Convergence acceleration methods: DIIS, level shift, damping


High performance computing


            Optimization of vector and matrix operations for RISC processors, BLAS and LAPACK libraries

            Parallelization of programs, SIMD -- MIMD, SMP a message passing



This lecture and exercises are intended for the students, who are more deeply interested in quantum chemical theory and would like gain knowledge about the implementation of quantum chemical methods. This course is confined to Hartree-Fock theory, but goes in enough depth to give the student all tools necessary for writing her own implementation of this method, which actually should be done in the exercises.