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Matlab Programming

Class at Faculty of Science |


* MATLAB: The Language of Technical Computing

Vector and matrix manipulation, relational and logical operators, data structures, data analysis and visualization, programming, graphical user interface (GUI) creation.

App development using App Designer.

Working with toolboxes: Global Optimization, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Deep Learning in Matlab.* Examples of using MATLAB- bioinformatics - UNIPROT database- spectroscopy - harmonic oscillator, molecular spectra calculations- statistical mechanics - Ising model, Monte Carlo methods- quantum chemistry - Hueckel method- chemical structure - symmetry of molecules- molecular dynamics - modeling of natural processes- chemical kinetics - simulations of oscillation reactions- optimization methods in chemistry - mathematical programming- word processing - working with regular expressions- visualization - creation of GUI (molecular viewer)


The aim of the course is to master basic programming techniques needed for effective work in MATLAB.