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Spectroscopic Methods NMR I

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Basic principles of NMR spectroscopy.

2. Experimental setup – the spectrometer, NMR magnets, Fourier transformation, data processing.

3. Spectral parameters – the number and intensity of signals, chemical shift, shielding, spin-spin interactions.

4. Chemical shift – the influence of electron density, the effect of neighbouring groups, magnetic anisotropy, ring-current effect, intermolecular interactions.

5. Proton chemical shifts – functional groups, exchangeable protons.

6. Carbon chemical shifts – functional groups.

7. The relationship between spectra and structures – equivalence, symmetry, chirality.

8. Spin-spin indirect coupling – geminal coupling, vicinal coupling, Karplus equation, long-range coupling.

9. Decoupling, solvent suppression, APT experiment, DEPT experiment.

10. NMR relaxation – T1 and T2 relaxation.

11. Dynamic processes – chemical exchange, chemical reactions, the influence of temperature.

12. 2D NMR spectroscopy – basic principle, most common experiments (COSY, HSQC, HMBC).


The goal of the course is to introduce basic principles and methods of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The course is focussed on the application of NMR spectroscopy for solving structures of small organic molecules in solution from proton and carbon spectra.