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Chemical Informatics

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Visualization using HTML, basics of HTML, data file formats, web browsers and plugins. E-mail discussion groups.2. Tools to create scientific documents - Overview of software used for the creation of scientific publications. Publication process - definition of terms primary, secondary and tertiary literature, bibliographic databases.3. Guides to chemical resources (Database summary sheets, search servers). Computer searching (search servers, relational databases, basics of SQL).4. Current awareness, e-mail alerts, online journals, bibliographic databases (Web of Science), documents delivery. Dictionaries, encyclopedia, tables.5. SciFinder. How to use software to access CAS databases - CA Plus, Registry, ...6. Reaxys - basics of compounds search.

7. Zotero - personal bibliographics database.8. Patents. Definition, conditions for assignment, protection of rights, patent databases. Toxicological information. Safety data sheets (MSDS), toxicological databases (Toxnet, HSDB).10. Command line - MS Windows. Basics of batch scripts.11. How to prepare PowerPoint presentations. Organization of material for visual presentation, the layout of presentation.

12. Cambridge Structural Database.13. Final online test.


Communication in chemistry: molecular visualization tools and Internet sites; chemistry newsgroups and discussion lists; science writing aids (software); the publication process - primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. How and where to start: guides to chemical information sources and databases; general information on computer searching; current awareness, reviews, and document delivery; background reading: dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other books; introduction to Chemical Abstracts (SciFinder), Beilstein (Reaxys), Web of Science.