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Organic Synthesis II

Class at Faculty of Science |


Syllabus Organic Synthesis II

1. Cycloaddition reactions - Diels-Alder reaction: regioselectivity and stereoselectivity

2. Cycloaddition reactions - Dipolar cycloaddition: ozonolysis, cycloaddition of azides, diazo compounds, azomethinylides, [2 + 2] -cycloaddition

3. Organolithic, organomagnesium and organozinc compounds - preparation and reactivity

4. Organocuprates and organotin compounds - preparation and use

5. Sigmatropic rearrangements

6. Acids and bases catalyzed by rearrangements

7. Nominal reactions

8. Coupling reactions

9. Protecting groups - protection of alcohols, amines, etc.

10. Retrosynthetic analysis - synthons, synthetic equivalents, C-X disconnection

11. Retrosynthesis - C-C disconnection, multiple C-C disconnections


Cycloaddition reactions, sigmatropic rearrangements, acid-promoted and base-promoted rearrangements, reactions of organometalic compounds (Grignard reagents, organocuprates, RLi, zinc reagents,etc.), Pd C-C and C-N coupling reactions, protective groups, named reactions. Retrosynthesis.

This course is for ERASMUS students also available in English.