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Separation Methods

Class at Faculty of Science |


This lecture course consists of fundamentals principles and instrumentation of commonly used separation methods in organic chemistry. The theoretical background is mainly oriented to the practical output to enable optimalization of parameters and improving separation process.

The lecture portion of course is divided into following parts. Definition of term "separation" and classification of separation methods.

Brief revision of theoretical background (Clausius-Clapeyron Equation, Distribution Equilibria, Gibbs, Raoult's and Dalton's Law, isobaric phase equilibrium ) Distillation and rectification methods ( HETP, Factors Affecting Operation, Types of Columns ) Vacuum distillation and distillation with steam generator. Solvent extraction theory, Nernst's law , distribution ratio Continuous extraction, Craig's Extraction Theory of chromatographic separation process (plate theory, rate theory), classification of chromatographic methods.

Classification of Gas chromatography, instrumentation (Types of Columns, detectors, sample introduction -injectors) .Retention indexes, Qualitative and quantitative GC analysis Liquid chromatography Mobil phases, pumps, columns, detectors and sample introduction in LC Liquid liquid, Liquid solid, Size exclusion chromatogrhaphy.


Short introduction to separation science: specifying of the term "separation" and classification of separation methods. The brief presentation of basic principles of some separation methods mainly used in organic chemistry inclusive of inevitable theoretical background: distillation and rectification, distillation under reduced pressure and steam distillation, sublimation, zonal melting, extraction and countercurrent distribution, chromatogarphy methods (GC, LC, SCFC), electromigrations methods (mainly CE, isoelctric focusing, isotachophoresis).