Definice a vývoj supramolekulární chemie
Receptory, koordinace a analogie klíč a zámek
Chelátové a makrocyklické efekty
Preorganizace a komplementarita
Termodynamická a kinetická selektivita
Povaha supramolekulárních interakcí
Návrh supramolekulárních hostitelů
* Supramolekulární chemie života
Kationty alkalických kovů v biochemii
Porfyriny a tetrapyrolové makrocykly
Supramolekulární rysy fotosyntézy rostlin
Příjem a transport kyslíku hemoglobinem
Koenzym B12
Neurotransmitery a hormony
Biochemická samoskladba (self-assembly)
* Hostitelé vázající kationty
Crown ethery
Lariat ethery a podandy
Chování v roztoku
Selektivita komplexace kationtu
Makrocyklické, makrobicyklické a templátové efekty
Preorganizace a komplementarita
Měkké ligandy a měkké kovové ionty
Komplexace organických kationtů
Alkalidy a elektridy
Uhlíkové donorní a ?-kyselinové ligandy
* Vázání aniontů
Biologické receptory aniontů
Koncepty v návrhu hostitelů aniontů
Od hostitelů kationtů k hostitelům aniontů - prostá změna pH
Receptory založené na guanidinu
Organometalické receptory
Neutrální receptory
Vodíková houba a jiné cheláty typu Lewisovy kyseliny
Koordinační interakce
* Vázání neutrálních molekul
Anorganické klatráty v pevném stavu (hydrátové klatráty, zeolity, interkaláty)
Klatráty v pevném stavu s organickými hostiteli (klatráty močoviny, cyklotriveratrylen, tetrafenylen)
Interaktivita komplexů neutrálních molekul: Vázání v roztoku a v pevném stavu (cyklodextriny, kryptofany,
* Concepts
Definition and Development of Supramolecular Chemistry
Classification of Supramolecular Host-Guest Compounds
Receptors, Coordination and the Lock and Key Analogy
Chelate and Macrocyclic Effects
Preorganisation and Complementarity
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Selectivity
Nature of Supramolecular Interactions
Supramolecular Host Design
* Supramolecular Chemistry of Life
Alkali Metal Cations in Biochemistry
Porphyrins and Tetrapyrrole Macrocycles
Supramolecular Features of Plant Photosynthesis
Uptake and Transport of Oxygen by Hemoglobin
Coenzyme B12
Neurotransmitters and Hormones
Biochemical Self-Assembly
* Cation-Binding Hosts
Crown Ethers
Lariat Ethers and Podands
Solution Behavior
Selectivity of Cation Complexation
Macrocyclic, Macrobicyclic and Template Effects
Preorganisation and Complementarity
Soft Ligands for Soft Metal Ions
Complexation of Organic Cations
Alkalides and Electrides
Carbon Donor and ?-acid Ligands
* Binding of Anions
Biological Anion Receptors
Concepts in Anion Host Design
From Cation Hosts to Anion Hosts - a Simple Change in pH
Guanidinium-Based Receptors
Organometallic Receptors
Neutral Receptors
Hydride Sponge and Other Lewis Acid Chelates
Coordination Interactions
* Binding of Neutral Molecules
Inorganic Solid-State Clathrate Compounds
Solid-State Clathrates of Organic Hosts (urea clathrates, cyclotriveratrylene, tetraphenylene)
Intracavity Complexes of Neutral Molecules: Solution and Solid-State Binding (cyclodextrins,
cryptophanes, carcerands)
* Concepts Definition and Development of Supramolecular Chemistry Classification of Supramolecular Host-Guest Compounds Receptors, Coordination and the Lock and Key Analogy Chelate and Macrocyclic Effects Preorganisation and Complementarity Thermodynamic and Kinetic Selectivity Nature of Supramolecular Interactions Supramolecular Host Design
* Supramolecular Chemistry of Life Alkali Metal Cations in Biochemistry Porphyrins and Tetrapyrrole Macrocycles Supramolecular Features of Plant Photosynthesis Uptake and Transport of Oxygen by Hemoglobin Coenzyme B12 Neurotransmitters and Hormones DNA Biochemical Self-Assembly * Cation-Binding Hosts Crown Ethers Lariat Ethers and Podands Cryptands Spherands Nomenclature Solution Behavior Selectivity of Cation Complexation Macrocyclic, Macrobicyclic and Template Effects Preorganisation and Complementarity Soft Ligands for Soft Metal Ions Complexation of Organic Cations Alkalides and Electrides Calixarenes Carbon Donor and ?-acid Ligands Siderophores
* Binding of Anions Biological Anion Receptors Concepts in Anion Host Design From Cation Hosts to Anion Hosts - a Simple Change in pH Guanidinium-Based Receptors Organometallic Receptors Neutral Receptors Hydride Sponge and Other Lewis Acid Chelates Anticrowns Coordination Interactions
* Binding of Neutral Molecules Inorganic Solid-State Clathrate Compounds Solid-State Clathrates of Organic Hosts (urea clathrates, cyclotriveratrylene, tetraphenylene) Intracavity Complexes of Neutral Molecules: Solution and Solid-State Binding (cyclodextrins, cryptophanes, carcerands)
The lecture explains basic concepts of supramolecular chemistry, informs about the most important families of compounds, which belong there, about their synthesis or occurrence in nature, methods of their design and practical use. The concepts to be explained are: receptor, coordination, lock and key, host and guest, chelate, macrocyclic and template effects, preorganisation, complementarity, self-assembly.
Hosts of cations, anions and neutral molecules will be presented (crown-ethers, podands, cryptands, spherands, calixarenes, zeolites, cyclodextrins, cryptophanes, carcerands).