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Introduction to mass spectrometry

Class at Faculty of Science |


Introduction. Experimental design of mass spectrometer. Survey of ionization techniques. Electron impact ionization. Chemical ionization. Other ionization techniques. Mass analyzers. Magnetic mass analyzer. Electric analyzer. Quadrupole analyzer. Ion trap. Time of flight analyzer. Detectors. Multipliers. Scintilation photomultipliers.

Mass spectrum. Molecular ion. Analysis of isotopic composition. Stable izotopes. Determination of number of rings plus double bonds from elemetal formula.

Theory of fragmentation. Charge and unpaired electron localization in molecular ion. Molecular ion fragmentation, fragmentation paths. Mechanisms of fragmetation of organic molecules. Sigma bond dissociation. Alfa cleavage initiated by radical-site. Cleavage initiated by charge-site. Decompositions of cyclic structures. Rearrangements. Radical-site rearrangements. Charge-site rearrangements.


Special course for pre-graduate and graduate students. In an introductory part the students are familiarized with fundamental construction schemes of mass-spectrometer.

The survey of mass spectrometric instrumentation used at present is given. The following part is aimed at the interpretation of electron impact mass-spectra of organic comounds.

The fundamentals of ion fragmentation are discussed. Theoretical considerations are accompanied with the examples of real mass-spectra and the explanation of important fragmentation pathways.