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Retrosynthesis and Total Synthesis of Organic Compounds

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Basics concepts and principles of retrosynthetic analysis. Definition of synthons, synthetic equivalents of synthons (Dr. Matoušová)

2. One-group and two-group carbon-heteroatom disconnections (Dr. Matoušová)

3. One-group carbon-carbon disconnections (Dr. Matoušová)

4. Two-group carbon-carbon disconnections (Dr. Matoušová)

5. Retrosynthesis of medium-sized rings (Dr. Matoušová)

6. Using of retrosynthetic principles in the total synthesis of biologically active compounds (Dr. Matoušová)

7. History of total synthesis of natural products (doc. Hájíček)

8. Retrosynthesis of small rings, total syntheses of monocyclic (including heterocyclic) natural products with 2 to 3 functional groups (doc. Veselý)

9. Retrosynthesis of large rings, total syntheses of macrocyclic natural products (doc. Hájíček)

10. Umpolung chemistry (doc. Veselý)

11. Synthesis of helicenes a cyclophanes (prof. Kotora)

12. Stereoselectivity (Dr. Matoušová)


The lecture combined with seminar introduces basic principles of the planning of organic syntheses by using so-called retrosynthetic analysis. This process includes mental transformation of target molecules into simpler precursors (synthons), which operation is repeated until the synthons represent commercially available compounds.

The second part of the course will be devoted to the application of this approach in the synthesis of complex organic molecules and compounds with biological properties.