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Chemistry in virtual reality

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Principles of molecular imaging, methods of presentation, data interpretation.

2.           Technical means of imaging molecules (principles and technical assumptions of virtual reality, its possibilities and limits, visualization, presentation and simulation software, storage of chemical structure in the computer and imaging possibilities)

3.           Influence of the structure of selected substances on their properties, general principles of the connection between structure and properties of substances.  Possibilities of using virtual reality and appropriate software in teaching.

4.           Analytical chemistry - principles of qualitative analysis.

5.           Solution of selected problems aimed at application of knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes of the course (group teaching, project teaching, tandem teaching, ...)  Specifically, work will be done with Nanome (, LabSim (, Vega ZZ ( and other programs available at the time.


The course focuses on the illustrative explanation of selected chemical principles, phenomena, procedures and methods using didactically illustrative and innovative methods and forms of teaching, especially through virtual reality, but also through a range of high-quality simulation software, group learning, project-based learning, virtual and practical laboratory teaching, etc. In addition, the course introduces students to the possibilities of using virtual reality in chemistry and related subjects.

The content of the course focuses in particular on the presentation of the connection between 3D structure and properties of substances (properties of crystals and solid phases in general, properties of biochemically important substances such as drugs, enzymes or DNA, properties of organic substances, spectroscopic properties, etc.).

The course will be conducted in a turn-based manner, due to the expected participation of students from partner universities, it will be partly online/hybrid in English

In order to complete the course, it is necessary to have access to virtual reality headsets (available in sufficient quantities at the Faculty of Science), a computer and internet access. Access details to the software used will be provided to participants.

During the virtual exercises, specially prepared according to the learning objectives, students will collect information and data that will require interpretation, analysis and discussion in working teams to support not only their learning but also their soft skills and critical thinking.