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Didactics of general chemistry

Class at Faculty of Science |


3rd year, summer chemistry, lec. 30 hours, sem. 30 hours

ECTS credits

Acquirement of the didactics knowledges, how to manage and supervise the process of the general chemistry education during the high school attendance. Is based on the on the aims of the general chemistry education, written in the educational directions and other paedagogical skills, i.e. in the standarts, evaluation criteria of the education, textbooks, school educational experiments, tutorial computer programs. Part of the educational plan is the acquirement of the simplified metodology of the chemistry didactics - the selection and the structuralization of the subject, relationship of the theoretical and empirical cognitive processes, the choice of the problem complexity, the basic of the autoregulation of the subject acquirement and so on.


Raymond Chang : Chemistry,Mc Graw - Hill, New York.fourth Edition, 1991

Čipera Jan : Didaktika obecné chemie, UK, Praha 1990


The course is intended for students of the first year of master study of chemistry teaching in two-subject and single-subject. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with various ways of teaching general chemistry, to acquire didactic skills in the controlled process of mastering the chemistry curriculum.

The course is planned as a three-hour block of lectures and exercises, where the theoretical parts are intertwined with the practical ones, where students have space for their own activities, discussion, reflection. The subject is an important preparation for pedagogical practice in the next semester due to its content, when students prepare a smaller or larger sample of a lesson on a chosen topic several times.