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General and Physical Chemistry III (b)

Class at Faculty of Science |


Systems of substances and their composition- Basic concepts, basic variables Ar, Mr, n.- Separation of mixtures, separation of components of mixtures (methods of quantitative analytical chemistry), basic calculations c, w.

Nomenclature of inorganic compounds- Types of names and formulas, nomenclature (binary compounds, oxides, hydroxides, oxygen-free acids, oxygen acids, isopolyacids, acid salts, hydrogensols, salt hydrates), calculations from the chemical formula.Atom structure- Atoms of atomic structure, nucleus of atom.- Core, radioactivity, types and properties of radioactive radiation.- Electron sheath model, electron configuration.

Periodic table of elements- Periodic law, periodic system of elements, periods, groups, trends in the periodic table.

Chemical bonding and properties of substances- Chemical bond, its types and weak non-bonding interactions.

Structure and properties of substances- Spatial shapes of molecules, structure and properties of crystals.

Chemical reactions and chemical equations- Types of reactions, chemical equations and their quantification.- Calculations from equations.

Chemical thermodynamics- Status variable (function).- Introduction: U, W, Q, H, G, S.- I., II., III. theorem of thermodynamics - mathematical formulation.- Phase equilibria - Gibbs law of phases, phase diagrams.

Thermal changes in chemical reactions - thermochemistry- Standard state of the substance; standard reaction heat.- Thermochemical laws (for secondary schools; for universities to clarify their redundancy).- Standard combining and combustion heat substances.- Calculation of standard reaction heat.- Dependence of reaction heat on temperature.

Chemical equilibrium- The concept of chemical equilibrium.- Degree of conversion, extent of reaction.- Chemical equilibrium and Gibbs energy.- Equilibrium constant (thermodynamic, apparent - mutual relationship).- Influence of factors on equilibrium composition.- The principle of action and reaction.

Acid-base reactions- Strong - weak electrolyte.- Ideal solution (ideal liquid mixture) - real solution, introduction of activity.- Brönsted theory of acids and bases.- Definition of pH, classification of solutions according to pH; ionic product of water.- Dissociation of weak acids and bases, conjugated pair, degree of dissociation, dissociation constant.- Calculation of pH of weak acids and bases.

Electrochemistry- Hydrolysis of salts.- Buffers.- Acid-base indicators.- Precipitation reaction, solubility product, solubility, solubility influence.

Oxidation-reduction reactions- Oxidation, reduction, oxidizing - reducing agent.- Cathode, anode.- Electrochemical series of metal stresses - oxidation-reduction properties of metals.- Electrolysis and its application in practice; Faraday's law.- Electrochemical cell; electrolytic - galvanic cell, accumulators.- Potentiometric determination of pH - glass electrode.- Electrochemical corrosion of metals.

Rate of chemical reactions - reaction kinetics- Definition of reaction rate.- Kinetic equation; rate constant; order of reaction.- Classification of reactions in terms of reaction kinetics.- 1st order reaction, half-life.- Factors influencing the rate of reaction.- Dependence of rate constant on temperature; activation energy.- Catalysts.


The course General and Physical Chemistry III (b) is intended for students of teaching branches in combination with chemistry or single-subject chemistry. It focuses on the subject of general chemistry discussed at the secondary schools and expands it with basic theoretical principles and their experimental and theoretical rationale. It also tries to respond to possible misconceptions existing in the teaching of some topics of general and physical chemistry and to suggest some possible didactic approaches to their solution (however, this does not replace the subject Didactics of general chemistry).

The course takes place in person, in case of impossibility to attend the faculty or the impossibility of full-time teaching, the course will take place in the online environment ZOOM.

It is necessary to log in to the ZOOM platform with a faculty/university e-mail and a faculty/university login!