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Household and Family Demography II

Class at Faculty of Science |


1) Topics of the course in general (more in handout of a given academic year)

2) Concepts of households and families. A demographic approach, a sociological approach.

3) Households and families in Czech censuses.

4) Trends in census households structure in the Czech republlic.

5) Housing and living standards of households and families in the Czech republic.

6) Recent trends in household and family structures in Europe.

7) Household modelling, methods of projecting household and families.

8) Forecasts of census households number and composition in the Czech republic.

9) Demographic aspects of recent family development, impacts of the "second demographic transition"

10) Families an family behaviour in sociological surveys. Legislation on the family in the Czech Republic.


The course introduces the problem of household and family research from the demographic point of view. The first part of the course explains various family and households concepts, types of households, modelling household formation and dissolution and household projections. The second part is aimed at the demographic aspects of the problems of modern family: the second demographic transition as the turning point in the family and household composition, demographic ageing, households headed by women. The course uses the specific Czech data.

Actual information in Moodle!!! (only in Czech, please write guarantee of this course)