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Regional demography and demography of regions

Class at Faculty of Science |


1) (a) Acquaintance with the objectives and conditions of the course; (b) testing student initial knowledge, (c) an introduction to the problem: basic concepts, regional demography and demography of the world regions in literature.

2) (a) Study of the territorial aspects of population development; (b) basic sources of information about the population development in territory: origin, availability, quality and comparability of data; selected secondary sources of information.

3) Regional differentiation of population structures and processes: objectives and importance, methods of evaluating regional differentiation; sources of geographical differences and regularity of their development.

4) Demographic regionalization and typology: selected methods of demographic regions delimitation, typology of regions, the regional divisions of the world and selected international typology of countries and territories of the world.

5) Population and development: context and conceptualisation, the world conferences on population and development, major players in the field of population and development: roles, goals, activities, coordination; strategic documents.

6) Population in international development programs and strategies: ICPD Program of Action, Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the MDGs, MIPAA, ICPD Beyond 2014 Post-2015 Agenda.

7) (a) Population in the activities of the United Nations system; (b) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): history, mission, structure of regional, global and regional programs, methods and standards work, implementation partnership of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science and UNFPA EECARO. 8-13) Demography and population issues of particular world regions.

14) Seminar: students’ presentations on selected themes with floor discussion.


The course deals with the spatial dimension of population development. Its main goal is to acquaint students with specificities and cognitive as well as the practical significance of the study of regional differentiation of population structures and processes.

The part on regional demography address the question of the study of local and regional (sub-national populations). The part devoted to the demography of regions deals with population developments and related challenges in selected areas defined on the continental level.

Special attention is paid to the mutual links of population and socio-economic development from a territorial perspective.