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Population Development of the Czech Republic from 1914

Class at Faculty of Science |


1) Population of Czech lands before WWI (fertility, mortality, migrations, census 1910 – population structures). The impact of the First World War on demographic developments (reproduction losses, age structure). 2) Population trends in the period 1918-1937 (First Republic); economic and social conditions, demographic structures (census 1921 and 1930) and vital statistics indicators developments. 3) Population trends in 1938-1945.

Political and economic situation. The German occupation of the borderland (Sudetenland): three populations – Czechs in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Germans in the Protectorate, population of the Sudetenland.

Factors of the differential rise in nuptiality and fertility indicators. 4) Demographic and other population structures (censuses 1950-2011), spatial distribution and structure of municipalities, population structure according to age, marital status, and socio-economic composition (employment of women), education, nationality including Roma ethnicity, and religion denomination. 5) Marriage and divorce rates, first marriages, remarriages, divorces, quantum, timing, and structures. Legislation, cross-sectional and cohort perspectives.

Trends in marriage and divorce rates. 6) Fertility and reproduction rates, marital and extramarital fertility, child‘s birth order, family size, differential fertility. Cross-sectional and cohort perspectives.

Households and families, fundamental trends. 7) Abortions (types). Legislation, quantum, timing, and structures (age, marital status, number of previous children).

Family planning and contraception. Trends. 8) Mortality, sex and age differentials, infant and perinatal mortality.

Trends based on life table functions. Differential mortality, medical causes of death. 9) New trends of demographic behaviour since 1989. 10) Population forecast (trends, change in age structure, economic and social consequences). 11) Population ageing: factors and consequences.


Population development in the Czech Republic after 1914. The population of the Czech lands before the First World War and its impact.

The dynamics of population trends in the period between the two world wars and the impact of the Great depression. Population development in 1938-1945.

Changes in the size and structures of the Czech population. Stages of mortality trends after World War II.

Baby-boom and baby-bust in the Czech Republic. Family formation and dissolution.

Eastern European demographic model. Development and demographic structure of the Roma population.

Transforming demographic behavior since the early 1990s. Population forecast.

Demographic ageing.