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Seminar to Applied Demography II

Class at Faculty of Science |


Sylabus is available in Czech.


The seminar focuses on the practical use of demographic knowledge and its application to examples based on real-life data. In the theoretical sessions of the course, students will learn the principles of project preparation, management and monitoring. In the practical classes, they will then receive a specific assignment, form research teams, plan the solution of the assignment, divide roles and carry out the research together under the guidance of a selected lecturer or lecturers until the presentation of the results. During the project assignment, students will work independently with the possibility to consult online the sub-steps with the teachers, either directly during the scheduled class time or by prior arrangement at another time.

In the case of online tutorials:

If it is not possible to hold the tutorial in person, the online tutorial will take place according to the scheduled tutorial via Google Meet or MS Teams (the link to the tutorial will always be sent to students via SIS before the tutorial). Students will have access to a lot of supporting materials, mainly in the form of electronic files and links to some websites related to the discussed material and the project.