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Population Theories

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Demographic theories and doctrines. The most remoted societies.

The antique Greece and Rome (Platon and Aristoteles; lex Julia, lex Papia et Poppaea). The judaism, christianity and islam (Old Testament and New Testament, St.

Augustin, St. Thomas Aquinas, Koran).

The renaissance, humanism, reformation and enligthenment (Machiavelli, T. More, M.

Luther, F. Voltaire, J.J.

Rousseau). The mercantilism and physiocratism (G.

Botero, J. Bodin, R.

Cantillon, F. Quesnay).

The classical political economy (A. Smith, D.

Ricardo, W. Godwin, T.

Malthus). Malthusianism and populationism (Saint Simon, K.

Marx. B.

Engels). Demographic schools in sociology, biology and social geography (A.

Coste, H. Spencer, Ch.

Darwin, F. Ratzel, A.Quetelet, A.

Lotka, R. Kuczynski, R.

Pearl, C. Gini, F.

Giddings). Demographic ideas in economy and ecology (A.

Marchall, E. Cannan, J.Keynes, G.

Myrdal, S. Kuznetz, C.

Clark, K. Davis, A.

Sauvy, A. Coale).

Contemporary religions and population ideas.