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Regional Geography of Europe

Class at Faculty of Science |


Content: 1. Comparison of the European postcommunist countries on the base of socioeconomic indicators with the stress on CEFTA countries. 2. Overview of the economic transformation and its regional impacts in following countries: Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia.

Structure of lectures:

- position (importance) of the state within CEFTA or European transforming countries

- population development and changes in the 90th, settlement structure

- characteristics of economic changes: transformation and restructuralisation and their regional impacts

- process of regional differentiation and development

There is no contemporary titul on Geography of Central-Eastern Europen countries in Czech language.

Recommended literature:

FASSMANN, H. (1997): Die Rückkehr der Regionen. Beiträge zur regionalen Transformation Ostmitteleuropas.

GORZELAK, G. (1996): The Regional Dimension of Transformation in Central Europe. Regional Policy and Development 10.

Portrait of the Regions: Hungary.

Countries in Transition. Handbook of Statistics, WIIW.

Research Reports, WIIW


The general characteristics of Europe from physical-geographical point of view and more detailed descriptions of its local parts. The emphasis is on the genetic relations.

The lectures establish contacts with proseminars on regional geography in the first year and represent a basis for advanced specialized lectures within the magister studium of regional geography, namely the lectures The Europe of Regions.

Lectures provide an comprehensive information on social and economic changes which occured after the "revolutional" year of 1989 in the European countries of the former Soviet bloc and their geographical aspects.


EMBLETON, C. (1984): Geomorphology of Europe. Macmillan Publishers, London, 465 p.

GORZELAK, G. (1996): The Regional Dimension of Transformation in Central Europe. Regional Policy and Development 10.

FASSMANN, H. (1997): Die Rückkehr der Regionen. Beiträge zur regionalen Transformation Ostmitteleuropas.

Portrait of the Regions: Hungary.

Countries in Transition. Handbook of Statistics, WIIW.

Research Reports, WIIW.