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Overview of the secondary school physics I

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. VECTORS - Vectors and scalar in physics, definition of planar vectors, three-dimensional vectors, operation with vectors

2. KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS - Distance, Speed, Force, Mass, Acceleration

3. WORK AND ENERGY - Work, Kinetic and Potential Energy, Conservation of Mechanical Energy

4. MOTION OF RIGID BODIES - Center of gravity, Impulse, Momentum, Conservation of Momentum, Collision of Bodies

5. HYDROSTATICS AND HYDRODYNAMICS - Pressure and Density, Pascal's and Archimedes' Principal, Equation of Continuity, Bernoulli's Equation

6. HARMONIC MOTION, WAVE MOTION - Distance, Speed, Force, Acceleration, Mechanical Wave, Longitudinal and Transversal waves, Standing waves, Sound


Overview of the secondary school physics (mechanics). Recommended for students of Faculty of Science.