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Rock magnetism in practice

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction to rock magnetism

2. Magnetic mineralogy

3. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS)

4. Anisotropy of remanent magnetization (ARM)

5. Paleomagnetism

6. Field works, sampling

7. Laboratory works: introduction and measurements

8. Data analysis and interpretation


This practical course is focused on application of rock magnetic methods on various geodynamic processes. First, students will attend a short block of lectures oriented on anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization (AMS and ARM), paleomagnetism and magnetic mineralogy.

This will be followed by field works, where sampling procedure will be introduced. Next, students will be processing and measuring samples in the Laboratory of Rock Magnetism.

Finally, students will work on their seminar theses, which include data processing and interpretations. The course is linked to the lecture Earth magnetism: geological, paleoclimatic, and biological applications (MG420P13), where the detailed rock magnetic and paleomagnetic methods will be discussed in great detail.

It is expected that the audience will have at least some geology and tectonic background. Basic knowledge of rock magnetism is benefit.

This lecture is not suitable for first year undergraduate students. The course is delivered in English.