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Laboratory course in physical geology II

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. (a) Introduction to the course; (b) Stratigraphy (basic principles);

2. (a) Weathering – its processes, resistance of minerals and rocks, landforms produced by weathering and erosion; (b) Gravity-driven processes – recognition of slope-processes in maps and satellite images;

3. Groundwater – hydrogeological properties of rocks, principles of groundwater flow, drawing groundwater-table contours;

4. Karst – processes and phenomena, recognition of karst landforms in maps and satellite images;

5. Fluvial environment – introduction to fluvial processes, i.e., erosion, transport, and accumulation by water streams; recognition of fluvial phenomena and interpretation of fluvial processes using maps and satellite images;

6. Lakes – lacustrine environment and classification of lakes; their interpretation using maps and satellite images;7. Deltas – interpretation of depositional processes and landforms related to fluvial deltas;

8. Marine environment – shoreline to deep sea profile, marine processes and deposits; recognition of landforms at continent–ocean transition and interpretation of coastal evolution;

9. Glaciers – mountain and continental glaciers; recognition of glacial landforms using maps and satellite images;

10. Eolian processes and deserts – introduction to eolian processes, review of erosional and accumulation landforms (dunes, etc.), desert environment, origin and processes; intertretation of eolian dunes from satellite images.


The course “Praktikum ze všeobecné geologie II“ (General geology – labs II) is closely linked to the subject “Všeobecná geologie II” (General geology II). The course provides students with overview of the theory of exogenous processes that overlaps or supplements the General geology II.

Through practical exercises, the course emphasizes basic practical tasks, e.g., interpretation of geological process and resulting landforms. A goal of the practical exercises is to make students familiar with basic aspects of exogenous geological processes.

Fullfilling of this course is necessary to succeed at more advanced courses such as sedimentology, geomorphology, historical geology and stratigraphy, paleoecology, etc.).