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Historical and Stratigraphical Geology

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course is organised after the main topics (not in geological time order) and is composed of four principal subjects: 1) Stratigraphical geology (5 lessons) 2) Palaeogeography (6 lessons) 3) Evolution of life (8 lessons) 4) Geological history of Bohemian Massif and adjacent areas (20 lessons)

Ad 1) It informs on the principles of stratigraphical geology with emphasis on lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy. For each branch an overview on formal unit categories is given. In chronostratigraphy, a current table and dating is shown. The principal of stratotypes is also discussed.

Ad 2) Evolution of continents and oceans in the course of the Earth history are explained on background of geotectonical events and palaeogeographical reconstructions. Global climatic conditions are characterised for each period.

Ad3) Introduction of this part is focused on origin and milestones of life in Precambrian. Evolution of life in Phanerozoic is lead-in by general aspects, including mass extinctions, terrestrialization etc. it is followed by a brief overview life during individual periods with emphasis on index fossils.

Ad 4) The geological history (i.e. main processes forming basins, facial development in basins, volcanism, etc.) of Bohemian Massif, West Carpathians and their surroundings is explained.

The main object of practice is a demonstratioon of typical fossils and lithotypes from individual periods. Practice is organized into 6 two-lessons blocks.


The main object of this course is to acquaint participants with principles of the stratigraphical geology, and to give an overview on essential events in evolution of life, palaeogeography and geological development of central Europe