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Regional Geology of the Czech Republic I

Class at Faculty of Science |


Position of the Bohemian Massif in the geological structure of Europe - caledonian and variscan accretion of Europe

1. Introduction, basic geological and geophysical properties of the European earth crust. Basic units and geological cycles in the formation of European crust.

2. Cadomian and caledonian elements in the structure of Europe. Geological characteristic of above mentioned units and their distribution.

3. Variscan collission of peri-Gondwanan microcontinent with Laurussia. Geological characteristic of the Variscan orogen, its zonal division and distribution of major units.

4. Alpinská akrece jižních segmentů Evropy,

5. Geological and geophysical characteristics of the earth crust in the Bohemian massiv.

6. Regional geological subdivision of the Bohemian massif. Paleogeographic position of the major units of the present BM from the Neoproterozoic to Variscan amalgamation to Avalonia/Brunovistulicum.

7. Characteristics of major regional geological units of the BM. Their extent, boundaries, geotectonic position in pre-Variscan and Variscan times, tectonometamorphic and structural and magmatic evolution.

8. Moldanubian region, Kutná-Hora svratka region,

9. Teplá-Barrandian area (Bohemicum), oblasti),

10. Saxothuringian region

11. Moravosilesian region


The course provides complex information on the structure, location and geological development of the main segments of the Mid-European lithosphere in the global geotectonic context, time and space relationships. It is focused mainly on the structure and evolution of the crystalline complexes of the Bohemian Massif and its folded lower to upper Paleozoic cover.

The course gives basic geological and geophysical characteristic of the fundamental regional geological units, their extent, relationships and development. This lecture is followed by a lecture dealing with the gelogical development of the platform cover and by the geological evolution of West Carpathians.