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Regional Geology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Position of the Bohemian massif and West Carpathians in the geological structure of Europe. Major phases of amalgamation of Europe,

2. Basic geophysical properties of earth crust of the Bohemian massif and West Carpathians,

3. Provenance of the unit forming a fundament of the Bohemian massif and their Variscan amalgamation,

4. Principles of regional geological division of the Bohemian massif and geological characteristic of fundament forming units (distribution, lithology, structural and tectono-metamorphic and magmatic characteristics),

5. The Moldanubian Region s.l. (including Kutná Hora and Svratka Crystalline Units),

6. The Teplá-Barrandian Region,

7. The The Krušné hory Mts. Region,

8. The Lusatian Region (West Sudetes, Lugicum),

9. The Moravo-Silesian Region,

10. Platform development of the Bohemian massif and its subdivision (permocarboniferous continental basins, triassic, jurassic and cretaceous, tertiary and quaternary deposits and associated volcanic rocks),

11. Major stages of geological development of the West Carpathians and their regional-geological subdivision,

12. Brief geological characteristic of major geological units of Central West Carpathians,

13. Brief geological characteristic of major geological units of Outer West Carpathians,


The course provides complex information on the structure, location and geological development of the main segments of the Mid-European lithosphere in the global geotectonic context, time and space relationships. It is focused mainly on the structure and evolution of the crystalline complexes of the Bohemian Massif and its folded lower to lowermost Upper Paleozoic cover.

The course gives basic geological and geophysical characteristic of the fundamental regional geological units, their extent, relationships and development.