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Fundamentals of geology for geographers

Class at Faculty of Science |


1.      Introduction to geological sciences ·         History of geology ·         Origin and evolution of planet Earth ·         Characteristics of individual geospheres (core, mantle, crust)

2. Global plate tectonics · Concept of plate tectonics · Lithospheric plates and their global distribution · Origin and destruction of the Earth's crust · Interface of lithospheric plates · Orogenesis

3. Rock-forming minerals  · Introduction to endogenous and exogenous rock-forming processes · Minerals, their origin, properties and rock-forming importance

4. Magmatic rocks  · Magma and igneous rocks according to geological position · Classification according to mineral and chemical composition · Origin and occurrence of plutonic and volcanic rocks

5. Sedimentary rocks · Rock weathering · Mechanisms of transport of weathered material · Sedimentation and diagenesis processes · Classification of sedimentary rocks

6. Metamorphic rocks  · Geological position and processes of metamorphosis · Metamorphic zoning and facies · Mineral associations and metamorphic reactions · Recrystallization and formation of new minerals · Main groups of metamorphic rocks

7. Structures and deformations · Rock structures and textures · Relationship of stress, deformation and resulting structures · Brittle and ductile deformation · Joints, faults, folds and cleavage

8. Stratigraphy · Determination of relative and absolute age of rock bodies · Principles of interpretation of relative age of rocks · The key to deciphering the geological evolution of the Earth's crust · Geological time scale

9. Exogenous Earth dynamics  · Introduction to exogenous processes · Rock weathering · Gravity  · Aeolian processes and deserts

10. Geological activity of water I - groundwater and glaciers · Hydrological cycle · Groundwater flow · Karst phenomena · Continental and mountain glaciers · Glacial erosion and landscape formations

11. Geological activity of water II - rivers and lakes · Rivers and lakes · Erosion, transport and accumulation activity of rivers · Lakes

12. Geological activity of water III - deltas, seas and oceans · Wave, tide and sea currents · Characteristics of the marine environment from coast to deep sea · Processes and sediments in deltas and estuaries · Marine transgression and regression · Deep-sea sediments


This course provides basic knowledge of the internal structure of the Earth, its chemical and mineral composition, and dynamics of rock-forming processes (plate tectonics, magmatism, metamorphism, deformation of Earth´s crust). Lectures in exogenous geology are focused on lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere interaction (weathering, erosion, transport, and accumulation of weathered rocks) with respect to morphologic evolution of landforms.

Laboratory courses provide information of recognition of main rock-forming minerals and rock types, introduction to methods of geological research, work with geological maps, and measurement of structures by geological compass.

The lectures will run online, students will be notified of the technical details well in advance. Compulsory attendance on laboratory classes of a practical character will be postponed to the spring due to known pandemic reasons. Once the personal form of teaching is enabled, the practical exercises will take place in several longer blocks.