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Sedimentary Geology

Class at Faculty of Science |


(1) Introduction: Properties of fluids as transporting agents; interaction of sediment and fluid, bedforms; gravity currents.

(2) Depositional systems and facies models

Facies models vs. analytical approach (principles of architectural analysis); Aeolian processes and depositional systems. Alluvial systems as indicator of tectonic aktivity, Fluvial systems (types, sedimentary processes); Alluvial fans; Deltas, coarse-grained deltas and fan deltas; Wave-dominated shorelines and shelves; Tides and tide-dominated systems; estuarine environments; Continental margin systems, submarine fans; Pelagic sedimentation; Shallow-marine carbonate systems; Glacial sedimentation and its record of global climate changes; Lakes - sedimentary processes and facies; Volcanoclastic systems.

(3) Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy

The base level concept, reactions of sedimentary systems to changes in accommodation and sediment supply / production; normal vs. forced regression; base level in non-marine systems

Form of instruction: 13 3-hour lectures, 13 1-hour practicals (laboratory flume demonstration and experiments; simple quantitative exercises, interpretation of sedimentological data from outcrops, core and wireline logs)

Requirements: Written examination, attendance at lectures and practicals


Aim of course: understanding the basics of physical sedimentary processes, behaviour of main depositional systems, their facies, architectures of sedimentary bodies; behavior factors of sedimentary systems ( tectonic aktivity, climate) understanding the principles of sequence stratigraphy; acquiring basic skills in interpretation of field and subsurface sedimentological and geophysical data.