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Petrology and Technology of Coal

Class at Faculty of Science |


The course consists of theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part:

1. Introduction - genesis of coal (biochemical and geochemical phases)

2. Genetic types of coal (sapropelites, humites and liptobiolithes) and their origin

3. Macropetrography(lithotype analysis)

4. Micropetrography of coal (macerals of huminite/vitrinite, liptinite and inertinite groups - ICCP System 1994, microlithotypes)

5. Interpretation of coal petrographic data in term of genesis of coal and its industrial use Practical part:

6. Maceral and microlithotype analyses The practical part of the course is held in a modern laboratory of the Institution of Structure and Rock Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Laboratory of coal chemistry and petrology provides the modern equipment background as one of basic prerequisites of succesful mastery of the practical skills and knowledge of coal and organic petrology. Requirements: Participation on lessons both of theretical and practical parts. Examination: oral examination of theoretical part and successful micropetrographical analysis of selected coal sample(s).


Students will acquire strong skills in recognition of the genetic types of coals, their macro and micropetrographic composition and structures, and they will be able to interpret these data in terms of hydrological history of mire, sedimentary environment and diagenetic history.