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Geology of Sedimentary Basins

Class at Faculty of Science |


Basin types and basin analysis

1. Introduction basin types, geotectonic position, heatflow, preservation potential, burial history, stratigraphic record Rift basins continental rifting, oceanic rifting, passive margins

2. Strike-slip basins marine and non-marine pull-apart basins

3. practicals seismic sections interpretation ? rift and strike-slip basins; basin type identification

4. Cratonic basins, "sag" basins Subduction related basins (1h) arc-trench systems, oceanic basins, ophiolites, fore-arc b., back-arc b., retro-arc b., inter-arc b., intra-arc b., trenches, acretional prism Orogenic Basins (1h) foreland basins, piggy-back pánve

5. Complex story ? basin inversion practicals - seismic sections interpretation ? cratonic, subduction, foreland, piggy-back basins, basin inversion; basin type identification Methods of basin analysis

6. Stratigraphy physical stratigraphy, lithostratigraphical vs. genetic stratigraphical approach, sequens str., allostratigraphy practicals ? well log correlation, stratigraphic section, stratigraphic framework

7. Sequence stratigraphy - practice 2-D reconstruction of stratigraphycal record

8. Magnetometry, gravimetry, geophysical well logging geophysical methods in basin analysis ? basement, basin fill, isopach maps practicals ? well log correlation as a stratigraphic tool in non-marine basins

9. Burial history ? subsidence and thermal compaction, decompaction, backstripping, subsidence analysis, thermal history practicals ? subsidence analysis

10. Case studies PDF lectures can be downloaded from: Exam results:


Course is focused on basic geotectonic types of sedimentary basins and main driving mechanisms influencing architecture and lithology of basin fill. Practicals are oriented to basic methods of analysis of basin fill ? including interpretation of reflection seismic data, well-log data; subsidence analysis.