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Evolution of the plant kingdom in Earth history

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction – characteristic of different phytogeographical units and basal terminology.2. Eophyticum – early stage in the evolution of plants related to the algal life in the ocean.

3. Palaephyticum – terestralisation of plants, early and late Palaephyticum and difference between them. Golden age of "pteridophytes", beginning of seed plants.

4. Mesophyticum – Golden age of "gymnosperms". Early and late stage and difference between them. The very beginning of angiosperms.

5. Cenophyticum – Golden age of angiosperms. Global palaeogeographical differentiation and differences between early and late stage. Climate change and establishment of modern ecosystems. Aim: Deepen knowledge about fossil plant evolution within the frame of the Earth's history, with special respect to palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic changes.


Lesson gives an overview on the evolution of floras from the very beginning up to now. There are the main characteristics of different stages, i.e., Eophyticum, Palaeophyticum, Mesophyticum and Cenophyticum, their duration and evolutionary progress of the plants in them, together with environmental changes and palaeogeographical differenciatations.