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The principles of palynology

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Introduction

(definition of palynology, history, basis of systematics, splitting x lumping, aplikation of palynology, stratigraphy palaeogeography, spor-polen diagrams; O. Fatka, J. Dašková, E. Břízová) 2. Methodology

(sampling, laboratory work, mikroskopy; charakters of terrestrial and acquatic environments - types of sediments, importance of separate systematic gross microfossils; E. Břízová, J. Dašková, O. Fatka, M.

Svobodová) 3."Non-pollen" palynology I.

(acritarchs, dinoflagellates, chitinozoans, scolecodonts, biological cycles, polen and spore morfology; O. Fatka, M. Svobodová, J. Dašková) 4. "Non-pollen" palynology II.

(algae, fungi, Etc. - melanosclerites; E. Břízová, J. Dašková) 5. Precambrian and Palaeozoic marine microfossils

(O. Fatka) 6. Palaeozoic terrestrial microfosils

(J. Drábková) 7. Mesozoic microfosils

(M .Svobodová) 8. Tertiary microfosils

(J. Dašková) 9. Quarternary microfosils

(E. Břízová)


The goal is to introduce students with the basic palynological methodology, to understand principles of taxonomic clasification of palynological objects, as well as to discuss the application of results of palynological analyses.