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Definition of geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isomorphism, thermodynamic used in geochemistry. Meteorite composition, cosmic abundances of elements, the bulk composition of the Earths. Composition of the Earth core, mantle and crust, sources of energy. Principles of isotope geochemistry and geochronology - U(Th) - Pb, K-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm - Nd methods, evolution of Sr and Nd isotopes in time. Principles of light stable isotope geochemistry (H,O,C,S,N). Geochemistry of igneous, metamorhic and sedimentary rocks. Geochemical evidence of plate tectonic. Evolution of hydrosphere and atmosphere, water - rock interaction.

Analytical methods , data processing.

References :

Brownlow A.H. (1984) : Geochemistry. - Prentice Hall

Faure G .(1998) " Principles and applications of Geochemistry. - Prentice Hall, New Jersey


Definition of geochemistry, crystal chemistry, isomorphism, thermodynamic used in geochemistry. Meteorite composition, cosmic abundances of elements, the bulk composition of the Earths. Composition of the Earth core, mantle and crust, sources of energy. Principles of isotope geochemistry and geochronology - U(Th) - Pb, K-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm - Nd methods, evolution of Sr and Nd isotopes in time. Principles of light stable isotope geochemistry (H,O,C,S,N). Geochemistry of igneous, metamorhic and sedimentary rocks. Geochemical evidence of plate tectonic. Evolution of hydrosphere and atmosphere, water - rock interaction.

Analytical methods , data processing.

References :

Brownlow A.H. (1984) : Geochemistry. - Prentice Hall

Faure G .(1998) " Principles and applications of Geochemistry. - Prentice Hall, New Jersey